The Bumbershoot: February 5, 2018

February 5, 2018
The Bumbershoot
The purpose of children's ministry at TPC is to give specific thought and attention to the way children grow in their understanding of Christ's Kingdom and what membership in that Kingdom entails.

1. SUPPORT MTSU: $10 tickets are on sale now for the Blue Raiders Men's Basketball game on Saturday, February 24 at 6:00pm. Click here to fill out the registration form. Once you have registered, please turn in your payment to the church office by Feb. 18.

2. SPRING CLEANING: With the completion of the new building, what is now the Children's Hall is being reorganized. As we find things that do not belong, they are being placed on the "Lost and Found" table at the entrance to the children's hall.  Please check this table weekly as everything that remains will be donated to Greenhouse Ministries on March 5.

3. LENTEN PRAYER SERVICES: Beginning on February 18, we invite all, adults and children, to join us for prayer from 5-5:30 each Sunday evening of Lent. Services are not long and we are always encouraged to have children join us in these services as we learn how to pray together.


When the disciples came back together after a time of being sent out to preach the gospel and heal in Jesus' name, they were pumped! They could hardly wait to tell Jesus all that they had done! But something about the way they took credit for it told Jesus that they were still a bit clueless concerning the point of sharing in Jesus' power. So, as God has done from the beginning of time, Jesus patiently took them aside to provide them with a vivid picture to demonstrate again what he was calling them to do. As they retreated for their lesson, Jesus saw the gathering crowds and, rather than send them away, he took time to teach them of his Kingdom and heal their diseases the same as the disciples had just been doing. However, as he did so, the disciples simply stood and watched until they became irritated and thought it was time for the crowds to be sent away so they could get on with their retreat. But rather than grant the disciples' request to send the "problem" away, Jesus calls the disciples to take part in being the solution. They listened to Jesus, repeated his instructions to the crowd, gave him the little bit of food they had, and then watched as Jesus blessed, broke, and gave food back to them to share. As a result, they fed 5000 people with their 5 loaves and 2 fish and had 12 baskets leftover! In this beautiful story, we are to see that Jesus is still telling us the same thing he was telling and showing the disciples: he wants us in on his work. Do you see everything you have as a gift to be blessed by Jesus and used for His Kingdom building?

There were no children's questions this week so I am using this space to note that the season of Lent begins on Feb. 14 with Ash Wednesday.  If you have questions about this season in the church calendar, please feel free to ask me directly or place questions in the questions box on the children's table outside the sanctuary. Also, family devotionals for the season will be available soon and I encourage you to use this helpful tool as we engage together on the Lenten Journey to the Resurrection.

Children's Questions or prayer requests can be placed in the box on the Children's Table outside the sanctuary.

CE classes are studying the life of Jesus this semester.

 kinder1st CE (2)

Hymn of the month: 

"The Love of Christ is Rich and Free"

 Click here to hear a demo and here to see the sheet music so you can practice it at home. The demo is a bit different from the congregational version we sing but can be helpful if you don't read music.


Have a picture for the Bumbershoot?  Submit your photos by email.  We cannot use everything but will gladly use what we can!

“'And they all ate and were satisfied. And what was left over was picked up, twelve baskets of broken pieces." Luke 9:17 (ESV)

#46 Q: Did our Lord Jesus Christ ever commit the least sin?

A: No. He was holy, harmless and undefiled.

#47 Q: How could the Son of God suffer?

A: Christ, the Son of God, became man that he might obey and suffer in our nature.
Upcoming Events:

February 11: Sunday evening Fine Arts classes meet

February 14: Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent

February 18: Sunday evening prayer service

February 24: MTSU basketball game @ 6:00pm

If you have questions about any children's events, please email Neecia Eggar at