Worship Service: Sundays, 9:30-11:00 a.m. - 1020 N. Rutherford Blvd., Murfreesboro, TN 37130

Officer Nominations 2024

The Session (i.e., elders) of Trinity has opened officer nominations for the month of May. Any communing member of Trinity may make a nomination. We do ask that you read the Officer Nominations Guide (below) before you make a nomination.
Once you have read the Nominations Guide, here are the steps you should take in considering whether to nominate someone:
  1. Spend some time meditating on the qualifications and tasks listed in the nominations guide, thinking about whether you see those things exhibited in any men who are members of Trinity. Then pray about whether you should nominate them.
  2. We recommend (but don't require) that you ask the person if he has thoughts about you nominating him. You don’t need his permission to do so, but he may have reasons why he doesn’t think you should nominate him that are worth hearing as you consider.
  3. If you determine you would like to nominate him, you can fill out our online nomination form or a physical nomination form, which is on the table next to the entrance to the sanctuary. You can then place it in the nominations box. You can do either of these until the end of the day, May 31st.
  4. If you are unsure which office you would like to nominate the man to (elder or deacon), you can designate both. It can be a part of his discernment and the discernment of the current leadership which office he best fits at this time.