Worship Service: Sundays, 9:30-11:00 a.m. - 1020 N. Rutherford Blvd., Murfreesboro, TN 37130

Frequently Asked Questions

What time do you worship?
9:30 - 11:00 a.m. on Sundays. Worship is followed by our Christian Education hour (or Sunday school) from 11:00-12:00. 
What should I wear?
There is no dress code or expectation of formal attire. We have everything from jeans and t-shirts to jackets and ties. We believe God cares more about the state of our heart than the state of our attire in worship. 
Where do my kids go?
We believe that the worship of God's people should include all his people, and so we include and welcome our kids in worship each Sunday (see here for a helpful summary of why). That means we are okay with the occasional cry, dropped Bible, or loud "whisper" in our worship services. We realize our kids have to learn how to engage in worship.  For those who feel like their kids may be too distracting or are having an especially difficult week, we have an overflow room with a livestream video of the service in the back youth room. We also offer nursery for infants through 4 years old for those who would like to utilize that. Our Christian education hour (i.e., Sunday school), which is after worship from 11:00-12:00, breaks into age specific classes: Infant/Toddler, Pre K, K-1st, 2nd-3rd, 4th-5th, Middle/High School, and Adults.
Can I come even if I'm not a Christian?
Yes! We are eager for those exploring Christianity to come to our worship service.  You are also free to ask questions in church or afterwards (contact our pastors here). We want to be a resource for you as you explore the claims of Jesus.
Can I take communion at your church?
Rather than practicing closed communion or open communion, we invite all baptized Christians who are members in good standing of Trinity or any other gospel-believing church to participate in communion at Trinity. Thus, if you have not made a profession of faith to a church or if you are currently under the discipline of your church, we ask you not to participate in communion with us. Just as we believe that communion (or the Lord's Supper) is a means of grace for those who trust in Jesus, we also believe that it is harmful for those who are not trusting in Jesus to participate (see 1 Corinthians 11:17-32), therefore we restrict communion from some.
What do you believe as a church?
This is explained on our beliefs page.
Are there meetings on Sunday before and after worship?
We meet for Christian Education (or Sunday school) after worship each week, from 11:00-12:00. Children (infant–5th grade) begin their classes at 11:00 a.m., and the Middle/High School and Adults begin their classes at 11:10 a.m. We also occasionally (about every other month) have a church potluck lunch after that Christian Education hour and visitors are most welcome to join us. Before worship, people do informally gather to visit over coffee in the lobby.
What other gatherings occur weekly? Seasonally? 
Yes, several things. Most Sunday afternoons we have a theology class called The School of Christian Theology (4:00-5:15 p.m.). The Trinity Youth Group (6th-12th) meets each Wednesday night for worship, a meal, and fellowship (6:00-8:00 p.m.). On Tuesday nights, our Men's Ministry meets for a meal, fellowship, and study (6:30-8:00 p.m.) as well as seasonally for retreats. Our Women's Ministry has two Bible studies (one morning and one evening), as well as occasional get-togethers and retreats. We also have yearly all-church fellowships like the Dance at the Kirk and Thanksgiving Dinner, and service opportunities like the Trinity Choir (Sundays, 6:00-7:00 p.m.) and English Language Classes (Wednesdays, 6:00-8:00 p.m.).
Why do your pastors wear robes?
We do not view robes as necessary for pastors to wear, but we do believe they are helpful and wise. Just as a judge or police officer wears a uniform to designate their role in society, a robe is a pastor's uniform. Also in the case of a judge or police officer, their uniform signifies that they are not acting according to their own whims and personal desires, but according to the laws of the government they represent. In the same way, a pastor's robe signifies that a pastor is acting and speaking on behalf of God rather than just saying whatever he thinks is interesting. For a good, lengthier explanation, see here.
What does it mean that you are Presbyterian?
The word Presbyterian refers to the way our church is governed. Presbuteros is the Greek word for elder. So, a Presbyterian church is led and overseen by elders (you can see more about this on our officers page). But we are also a confessional Presbyterian church, which means that we adhere to the theological statement of faith that Presbyterians have historically held to—the Westminster Confession of Faith (written in London in 1646). This makes us similar to other confessional Presbyterian denominations—like the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC), Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARP), and others—but different from other Presbyterian denominations that are no longer theologically confessional—like the PC(USA) or the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
What kinds of songs do you sing?
We select our songs according to our worship philosophy, and not out of preference for a particular style. We sing songs that are old and new, from the 4th century to the 21st. In addition to historic songs and hymns of the faith (many of which are found in the Trinity Hymnal), we also sing songs from Keith and Kristyn Getty, Indelible Grace, and City Alight, though this is not an exhaustive list.
What instruments do you have in worship?
Our music is primarily led from the piano, supported by other instruments (like strings, woodwinds, and guitar) when available.