Worship Service: Sundays, 9:30-11:00 a.m. - 1020 N. Rutherford Blvd., Murfreesboro, TN 37130

Recommended Resources

This page is meant to point the congregation of Trinity Presbyterian Church to helpful resources for understanding God's word, growing in our love and devotion to him, and learning to lovingly and critically engage with the world around us. The resources on this page should not be taken as wholesale endorsements. Every book, article, and lecture should be weighed against the teaching of the Word of God. And many questions akin to "Is that what this church believes?" can be easily resolved by consulting the Westminster Confession and Catechisms, which are Trinity's doctrinal standards.

Recently Mentioned

Resources for Matthew


Biblical Studies

Christian Living

The Christian Family
Growth in the Christian Life
Challenges in the Christian Life

Church History

Church History Overviews
Must Reads from the History of the Church
Noteworthy Biographies
Particular Time Periods

Devotional Resources

Evangelism, Apologetics, and Ethics


Intro to Theology
General Systematic Theology
Theological Topics
The Doctrine of God
Humanity and Sin
The Person and Work of Christ
Justification and Sanctification
The Church
The Sacraments


*Please note: Unlike books, websites continue to publish new content regularly. So, please don't take this as an affirmation of everything published on the sites listed below. However, we do want to provide direction on helpful ongoing resources for those in our church. We believe these sites publish helpful material for Christians regularly, even if we would disagree with some of their content or the way they approach certain topics.


*Please note: Unlike books, podcasts continue to publish new content regularly. So, please don't take this as an affirmation of everything said or discussed on these podcasts. However, we do want to provide direction on helpful ongoing resources for those in our church. We believe these podcasts provide be helpful content and discussions for Christians, even if we would disagree with some of their content or the way they approach certain topics.

Free audio of seminary courses: